Illuminated Industry

Illuminated displays allow your advertising and informational messages to become readable in any setting and any lighting.With illuminated signs, you basically become able to spotlight your sign day and night. Illumination occurs in 3 varieties, front lit, halo lit (back lit), and dual lit, all of which provide extensive visibility from  a respectable distance.

Front lit is the most common channel letter type, often used in shopping plazas and malls. As the name implies, illumination is emitted from the front face of the letters. Halo lit signs use LED’s, or neons to illuminate the wall surface, giving the sign a halo effect. This gives companies a very distinguished, or modern appeal. Dual lite signs contain illumination from both the front and back, granting the most visibility, especially during PM hours.

As the holiday season closely approaches, Sam’s Signs is offering a seasonal promotion until the end of December. All illuminated channel letters will be up to 10-20% off regular price. Sam’s Signs offers blue prints, custom designs, permits, manufacturing, installation and servicing all under the same roof. In this regards, we may fulfill all your signage needs and make the process of completion quicker. Allow us to help brand your company and give you an advantage on your local competition.



Illuminated Industry

Pole Signs

Your company may choose to change the face of their pole signs due to new ownership, or the development of a new logo. Perhaps however, your company would prefer to purchase new pole signs all together. Nonetheless, both options can optimize and enhance the visibility and professional appeal of your business. Outdoor pole signs are an ideal way to identify occupants of office buildings, wholesale businesses, or shopping centers. They draw attention from distances, perhaps even from nearby freeways. The design and height of these signs vary depending on the type of pole sign, whether they’re 3D, or double sided. Pole signs perform well at attracting a large external audience. We often associate pole signs with familiar brands like specific gas stations, or hotels.

When choosing the design of your pole sign you may opt for non illuminated, or illuminated through ground lighting, or an internal light. Choosing the right color and designs to represent your company name is essential to your branding. Sam’s Signs is able to help create custom designs, or further develop your own designs to help create the most ideal company image for your business. 


Pole Signs

Window Signs

It’s easy to transform your empty windows into an attractive advertising space that enhances your brand, or product. Window space also allows you to express your company’s creative edge to further distinguish yourself amongst competitors. Furthermore, window advertising provides privacy features with the use of material that limits transparency. Often businesses will utilize window decals to promote seasonal products, especially considering the easy removal processes for the signs. Without a doubt, custom window decals are a crucial driving force for attracting new customers, especially in retail, restaurant, or store front businesses.

As Halloween rolled around the corner this year, you may have seen the numerous costume stores open for sales. Their advertising techniques consist of concentrating their focus on their windows, or through billboards. It draws us most of us in when we notice gory inspired lettering, or pictures of our favorite superheroes, or logos that we’re familiar with. Window decals help attract a large external audience, and give you more street presence. No matter what glass window surface your company may have, the installation process for decals is quick and will last well for years.


Window Signs